1) How will the Summit go in Samara? Will the EU be able to discuss anything peacefully and with understanding and co-operation with Russia? Will the meeting have any influence on anything? What are the EU bosses, led by Angela Merkel, going to say about the discrimination of the Russian media and the very violent and undiplomatic scandal over the Bronze Soldier Statue in Tallinn?
Mind that Merkel knows a lot about the Soviet culture, East German as she is.
2) When will the summer of 2007 really start here in Helsinki? Please. It's still so cold here. (And do not give me anything about the Climate Change. I just want the summer to come.)
3) Will the World bank sack Wolfowitz? Or is George W. really of some help? (I would think it's on the contrary...)
4) If I started running, could I actually run? Do I need to take it easy at first – or am I not fit enough to actually run? Am I crazy, even if I'm just thinking about that? At least now that I have so good shoes. Not the FeelMax everybody has been talking about.
Dear IStori,
Somehow, I feel that the "West" should put a moratorium on policies towards Russia until the parliamentary elections later this year. The situation is wild and out of hand as it is, and is really nothing to base future relations on. If we were to wholly take everything seriously that comes out of Russia in the months leading up to the elections, we would really have something to worry about. As of now, I would though prefer to wait and see. So, perhaps it is better that nothing comes out of Samara. That, at least, would be better than antagonist rhetorics.
Aloita vaan, aloita hitaasti. Aloita ahkä kuitenkin oikeilla juoksukengillä eikä muotivehkeillä niin pienet jalkasi säästyvät isoilta vammoilta. Aloita silleen että yks minsa juoksua yks kävelyä sit kaks minsaa juoksua kaks kävelyä ja jatka sen systeemiin mukaan ja pian olet maratoonikunnossa. Tämän ohjeen kuulin juuri sunnuntaina Wagnerissa ja se kuulema toimii.
Dear Vilhelm
Yes, things seem to be getting out of hand. I am so curious about the Russian elections! Is this all because of Putin willing to be asked to continue by the good and peace-loving Russian people who are afraid of aggrssive Estonians?
Or because his supporters who made him president want him to continue?
But I think Merkel dealt with him in a quite stylish way.
Thanks, best wishes,
Dear Ode
Ok, I will try that. One minute is so far about the maximum I can run (or jog).
See you! All the best,
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