– Pier Paolo Pasolini
One of the highlights of every summer is over, Midnight Sun Film Festival, in Sodankylä, Lapland. 160 kilometres north from the Arctic Circle. We were there, Miss Funnybunny and Mr HP, with several friends. And met with other bloggers, like Vaiheinen and Sedis.
And my highlights there? Firstly, a very good and touching Pasolini documentary, directed and cut (in 2006!!!!!) by Giuseppe Bertolucci who was there. He and his brother Bernardo knew Pasolini personally. The documentary was like a "Making of Salò". But it was good. It showed how intelligent and – believe it or not – nice a person Pasolini was. With a good sense of humor. And kindness.
The second most important thing (for me) was the film karaoke starting between Friday and Saturday at 3 am in the big film theater tent. (This time the film was a Finnish "SF Parade", 1939. But I will spare you and NOT analyse the film now.)
The party in Porttikoski rapids (20 km from Sodankylä) was as nice as ever. The foreign guests of honour seemed to enjoy, too.
And then, on Sunday night we drove back. Took a bit more than 11 hours. These beautiful windmills are on the sea shore in Ii. (No kidding. The place is called "Ii". Pronounced: "Ee-e" – a long vowel.) While having coffee and ice cream we four adults – the passengers and co-drivers in Mr HP's car – were talking about reducing nuclear power. Windmills are cool, but in using them, Finland is doing only some minimal efforts. That's pathetic.
And finally, we are almost home! Not yet, in Central Finland, Viitasaari.
....and we did not go home, but to Lahti International Writers' Union, to Mukkula, instead. There is Miss Funnybunny in her purple Momin shirt, listening to the Closing Session. In which language, I am not sure.
And this was the beautiful view from our little Mukkula cottage, at Mukkula Camping. Behind the trees there is the Lake Vesijärvi. ( = "Waterlake". How well thought. Who ever said people in Lahti lack imagination?)
Summer in Finland is so short every warm and sunny moment is highly valued by us Finns.
And if it rains? Well, "we are not made out of sugar," as we tend to say.
Siis kade käy kun luen Sodiksen juttuja, sinne täytyy ehdottomasti taas tullautua.
Onko karaokelaulannasta tulossa viedota kenties juutuupiin tai muihin verkkovälineisiin? Olis kiva kuulla sitä körinää livenä ...
Ode Frankusta
Voi ei!!!!! Toivottavasti siitä ei koskaan tule julkisuuteen mitään versiota missä on myös ääni.
Mutta sille, että tulisit/te taas Sodikseen, sanon "voi jooo!!!!!"
Terv. Ansa Ikonen
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